215-561-6160 info@croceshowroom.com


Pintura Studio’s design takes global inspiration for their collections from all over the world — Coptic, Venetian, Ottoman, Moghul, Renaissance, and more. This belief in products that are made by hand from start to finish, as well as tapping into the world’s varied aesthetic is what gives Pintura Studio’s fabric and wallpaper its unique look, its mellifluous, flowing style.

These photos represent a selection from this manufacturer’s line. They do not represent the entirety of the line. Many additional collections are available. Please contact Croce Showroom at 215-561-6160 or email info@croceshowroom.com for more information.

Croce Showroom is your primary resource for the highest quality textiles and decorative fabrics, premium wallcoverings, furnishings to satisfy even the most discrening tastes, tantalizing trimmings and unique accessories to pull it all together.

Croce Showroom
57 S. Eagle Road
Havertown, PA 19083

Tel: 215-561-6160
Email: info@croceshowroom.com



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